How Can I Prevent Dental Plaque?


We know that nobody wants to be in pain, dealing with dental issues and declining dental health, so the question is, how often should you visit your dentist? Unfortunately, the answer is not a simple number. Prior to knowing how often is right for you, remember it is important be comfortable when visiting your dentist. Make sure you and your family have a dentist you can trust, and this will make all the difference to your visits.

When it comes to avoiding dental issues, such as cavities, you will need to decrease the plaque that resides on your teeth. Here are a few ways that you can accomplish this.

1. Regular Brushing

Dentists will recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes every time you brush. Neglecting this can lead to calculus and plaque build-up. Calculus is formed when plaque has been left on the teeth for an extended period of time. It is the name given to the hardened form of dental plaque that is far more difficult to remove from the teeth. The removal of calculus will require a professional dental cleaning.

2. Regular Flossing

In addition to brushing, It is highly recommended that you floss every day. The reason for this is that brushing only eliminates 65% of plaque and bacteria. Whereas flossing can remove nearly all of the remaining amount. Not only does it clean the spaces located between the teeth, but along your gum line. These are places that brushing alone cannot reach. That’s why flossing is necessary for the overall health of not just your teeth but your gums.

3. Regular dental check ups

Even if you brush and floss on a regular basis, there is always a chance plaque is being left  on the teeth. As mentioned above, as time goes on, plaque will harden into calculus and the only way to remove this is with a dentist.

To see how often you should be visiting your dentist, read our post here.

4. Consider your diet

Keeping saliva flowing is one of the keys to a healthy mouth. This is because a dry mouth easily breeds bacteria. You can assist in your saliva flow by eating raw vegetables and fruits with their skin on them. These aren’t just good for you, but naturally remove bacteria and plaque naturally.

5. Limit your sweets

Dental plaque is created by bacteria that feeds on sugar. So, the more foods and drinks you consume that are high in sugar, the more the bacteria will thrive. Not only this, but the sticky and sweet treats that might taste great are even worse for your teeth. Not only do they have the high sugar content, but they are hard on your tooth enamel and increase your chances of breakdown and damage.

The reasons above are just a few as to why it is so important to have regular visits to your dentist. Regular professional cleaning and check-ups will make all the difference to your overall teeth health.

To book a clean with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental in Coffs Harbour or Dorrigo on 6652 3185 or book online.

To learn more about how your lifestyle affects your dental health check out our articles Alcohol Consumption and Oral Cancer and Did You Know… Too Much Dietary Acid Causes Tooth Erosion?.


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