3 Easy tips for a fit mouth


We all know how important regular physical exercise is for our entire body. The list of benefits is endless and includes decreased risks of chronic disease, weight management problems, low energy levels and mental health concerns. However, reaping these benefits requires consistency, commitment and discipline – qualities which can be difficult to cultivate.

Just like keeping your body fit, keeping your mouth healthy can, at times, feel tedious and difficult. With the long list of products available, media health fads and advice from friends and health practitioners it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. However, keeping up your oral health fitness doesn’t need to be difficult or take much time. Plus, it can be an excellent practice for creating consistency, commitment and discipline in other areas of your life!

We have narrowed down 3 easy tips to get started with establishing healthy oral health habits and keeping your mouth fit:

Brushing and flossing to the beat – just like working out at the gym, it can be more motivating to brush your teeth if you listen to music while you’re doing it. Pick your favourite short song and play it while you brush and floss!

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes is the best way to prevent the build-up of bacteria which can cause gum disease and holes in the teeth. But brushing only removes about 65% of the plaque, so flossing (or an interdental brush) will help to get the rest and only takes an extra minute or two. Your oral care routine should take about 3-4 minutes which just happens to be the same time as most songs.

Food frequency is the key – What we eat effects the entire functioning of our bodies and may have a large influence on our overall health outcomes. Sugar and acid are the biggest enemies in maintaining your oral fitness. Lollies, white bread, carbonated drinks, alcohol and even fruits high in sugar can all easily lead to an unhealthy balance of bacteria and plaque build-up. But did you know, it’s just as much about the frequency of eating as what you put in your mouth?

Frequent snacking throughout the day means your teeth are constantly under acid attack and don’t have time to recover. So, keep in mind the rule of 5. Only 5 acid attacks throughout the day (including drinks other than water) is all your teeth can handle. This may mean having bigger meals to avoid those between meal snacks and drinking that coffee over a few minutes rather than hours. These simple adjustments can make a big difference!

Book ahead – Although regular brushing and flossing pairedwith a healthy diet can play a big role in keeping your mouth healthy, it is also important to visit your dentist regularly to inspect the teeth as well as your whole mouth. Not all dental problems cause pain or have early warning signs. This means leaving it too long between visits to the dentist can allow problems to get larger without being detected.  As well as catching any problems as early as possible, your dentist can provide advice to suit your unique circumstances to prevent future problems arising.

Each time you visit the dentist, book in your next visit ahead and ask for a reminder to make sure you keep this great habit in place and avoid forgetting. To find out roughly how often you should visit your dentist, read our post here or ask next time you visit the practice.

By utilising these 3 easy tips to help form good dental habits, you have the potential to keep your oral fitness in check and your mouth and teeth healthy. It may also help to develop consistency, commitment and discipline in other important areas of your life that you would like to improve.

To book a consultation with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental on 6652 3185 or book online.


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